You’re on the waitlist! I’m super excited! 🙂 🙂 🙂
What now?
You signed up to only to wait….
In the meantime, you’ll be getting some free goodies in your inbox… so keep an eye out for those.
And you can watch some vids over on my Youtube channel, or shoot me a message to tell me a wish I could grant you.
Some of my best pivots with this business is from people sharing what they would love from me.
AND… you don’t even have to wait. You can sign up for a week trial for $1.
It will give you access to 15+months of content, including brush lettering classes.
And of course our LIVE zoom class with real-time troubleshooting and Q&A.
So come try it out; I can’t wait to meet you!
So happy to have you here!
🙂 Amber
What supplies should I buy?
While you’re waiting for a party, play with your supplies or snag some new toys:
(amazon affiliate links)
Watercolor paints:
Watercolor paper: or
Brushes: or
READ MORE: You can read a blog post about other recommended materials here.