I’m pretty excited about this giveaway: a full YEAR of watercolor classes.
And you have a chance to win it!
You’re entered for all three drawings (well, any that haven’t happened yet).
Would you mind sharing this?
Have you shared this with:
Your mom?
Your sister?
Your kid’s teacher?
Your neighbor?
Your walking buddy?
Your BFF?
Your book club?
Just share this link: www.womencreateweekly.com/giveaway
You’ll meet lots of new friends, AND it’s always fun to try something new with the familiarity of people you care about.
Any questions? Shoot me a message: amber@womencreateweekly.com
Names will be announced Dec 22, 2021, Dec 29, 2021, and Jan 5, 2022.
Crossing fingers it will be YOU!