Look at these bright colors! Aren’t they fun?? A little while ago, I grabbed a new set that has pearlescent and fluorescent colors. New paints are always fun to play with. Let me know if you want to see me swatch out a few of these colors.
This Easter morning my daughter looked 2 rows ahead of us at church, and saw a sweet blonde-haired child. She had a linen antique purple peasant-style dress with wide sleeves on top of a cozy onesie. I saw her and my daughter lock eyes, and I guessed my daughter would point out they were both wearing purple. My daughter was wearing a bright purple knit dress with ruffles on neckline and sleeves, covered with an over-sized red hoodie to stay warm. Sure enough, in another minute or two, my daughter leaned up to whisper to me, “We are wearing matching dresses, mom!”
Instead of comparing color or fit or attractiveness as someone older might do, this 6 year old saw what is most important: connection.
Our eyes will find evidence to prove what our minds think about. If we let go of comparison and insecurity, we leave room for a much more rewarding perspective. When we seek similarity with others, and we will find similarities, acceptance, and connection. We find healing.
In the Christian world, this weekend was a time to celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection, His power over death. I am so grateful for His life and my faith.
Whether you are religious or spiritual or not, all of us value healing, overcoming difficulties, and new beginnings.
As an adult with anxiety who finds peace through creating, the undercurrent I often feel is dis-ease. I feel uneasy, and that looks differently depending on the day. But this Easter morning, I took it slow. I even climbed back into bed for some rest. “Everything is okay” is one of my affirmations, and for the first time it spontaneously came to my mind. And I believed it. Life felt okay. Everything is completely okay. Not everything is resolved and finished, but everything is completely okay.
Easter lilies have a gloriously beautiful scent, and anytime I walk near it almost takes my breath away. It’s beautiful to see the blooms slowly opening.
What brings you joy?
I hope you take time to reflect on what lights you up. Maybe it’s the smell of a certain flower, or a shade of a color, or the texture of your favorite sweater, or the enthusiasm of your pup.
Create some JOY today.
Go create some joy today. It might be giving yourself the gift of a buying a flower, or getting cozy with a book and that favorite sweater. Or it could be to physically create some beauty.
Grab a paintbrush, make some marks. Write a note. Go create today. Create beauty. Create smiles, create goodness.
A human eye with average eyesight can see a candle on a hilltop 1.6 miles away. A tiny effort for JOY will be seen, and you can’t anticipate who you may influence.
You ARE making a difference in this world. Go make something, go do something.
I doodled some flowers on the edge of my notebook page.
What will you do?
I can’t wait to find out.
P.S. You’re always welcome to come paint with us; we’re studying cherry blossoms this month!
Thank you for your inspiring thoughts. I was not able to create over the weekend as I had my daughter and her teenage sons (my grandsons) visiting but they all brought me JOY. We had a great visit which I will always cherish. After they left I grabbed a blanket, curled up, and read!
Love the cute painting you did with your new paints and would like to see them swatched out.
I have physical therapy this Wednesday, I am hoping I will be back before your class is over. If not I will catch up on the replay.