When was the last time you wrote a letter?
A real, stamp-on-the-envelope, letter?
Christmas cards don’t count.
As I was decluttering my home office, I came across boxes of old letters.
I’ve felt guilty for storing them for so long. Home to home, over so many years.
Pack-rat much?
The first envelope that caught my eye bore the swoopy handwriting of Kay Mason, an amazing woman who bursts with love and brings sunshine every time I see her. She was my leader at church for many years. I opened her note, and immediately felt enveloped with love. Her glowing words of admiration and support kindled my heart alive.
I was suddenly a 14 year old girl again, with a simpler view on life. But SO so loved.
Back into the box I dove.
Letter after letter, note after note.
I could only bare to part with a handful, and then I tucked all the rest BACK into the box I that was supposed to be decluttering.
Another time maybe.
Or not.
I might keep them for always.
You see, I adore words of affirmation.
They make me feel good sometimes.
But it’s not only that.
When genuine expressions of love and appreciation are shared, it fills the world up with love.
Drop by drop.
Letter by letter.
So I have a little adventure for us to go on together.
Are you ready?
We are going to add a few drops of love to the world.
YOU are going to make them.
Just enter your info below and you’ll get a PDF to print, and a VIDEO to follow.
Get Free PDF &Video!

Enter your info to get my PDF and video tutorial. Even if you already are on my email list, enter your info too!
Fun, right??? I hope so!
I can’t wait to see how YOU create!
Make a great day, Amber
p.s. I was blown away seeing how many more women were reached by you sharing our last post.
More than I could imagine.
Would you mind hitting your favorite social button below on the right to share?
p.p.s. You rock. Like Rootbeer-Float-Level rock.
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