When did you last make something?
Do you feel like you have too much to handle? Like your life is an overgrown brush where there should be a beautiful garden?
When was the last time you did something for the pure enjoyment of it?
Are your counters cleared off?
Can you walk from one end of your house to the other without having to step over clutter?
Do you have that one catch-all room that you just close the door on and try to forget?
(Did I just raise your blood pressure?)
Clutter is an everyday battle.
It seems to be attacking us from all sides.
Valiant soldiers try to encourage us… there are books about it, podcasts, bloggers, experts.
I’m no expert.
I’m just a tired overwhelmed mom who needs a little sanity.
So this blog post is for me.
I want space.
I want creative space.
I want to be able to make and do and create and imagine.
I want to feel myself alive and real.
I want to matter in this world.
I want to MAKE.
But I am imprisoned by the walls around me, bars of my own making.
Bars of clutter.
But I have had enough.
And I am going to conquer.
One spot at a time.
One box at a time.
One room at a time.
And as I clear the overgrown weeded soil I allow space to plant the seeds of life.
Seeds of creativity.
Seeds of excitement and curiosity.
Do you feel it? It’s there under the surface, waiting for you to foster and grow.
So here I go, making my own space for me.
This is the beginning of an adventure, and I am so glad you’re here to go with me.
So are you with me? Do you want to clear space in your life?
Where will YOU create?
You may not have a whole room to claim as your creative space.
Do you have a counter?
A folding table?
A corner of a closet?
Make it your OWN; make it beautiful.
I believe in you.
ps. Would you do me a HUGE favor?
Do you know what would make my day? My week? My month??
Think of your dearest friends who has a creative spirit.
Would you share me with her? I want to be her dear friend too. Just click on one of the icons down below on the right and share!
You are the best. I can’t wait to meet her.
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